Monica Salmaso Bio, Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Family, Facts – Biography Portal

Monica Salmaso is an Italian tenor. He was born in Bologna on 27 February 1971. He made his operatic debut in 1998 as Nemorino in Donizetti’s L’elisir d’amore at the Teatro Municipale di Piacenza. His other roles have included Ferrando in Cos fan tutte, Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni, Gennaro in Lucrezia Borgia, and Arturo in I puritani. You might be interested to know more about Monica Salmaso. So, in this article, we discussed all information about Monica Salmaso’s net worth, wiki, bio, career, height, weight, family, pics, affairs, car, salary, age, and other details in 2022. Continue reading to discover who is Monica Salmaso.

Monica Salmaso net worth wiki bio career height weight family affairs car salary age
Monica Salmaso

Monica Salmaso Biography

Do you wanna know the Monica Salmaso’s full Biodata? Monica Salmaso is a None. He was born in (1971-02-27) 27 February 1971 (age51) on None. He is Unknown years old. Take a look at the following table for more information.

Name Monica Salmaso
Nickname None
Gender Male
Date of Birth None
Age in 2022 Unknown
Birth Place (1971-02-27) 27 February 1971 (age51)
Country Italy
Nationality Italian
Height None
Weight Weight
Profession None

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Monica Salmaso Net Worth and Salary 2022

What is the Networth of Monica Salmaso? What is the income source of Monica Salmaso? We all know that is it almost impossible to say someone’s total asset and how much he or she earns every month. According to the various source, there is an approximate asset that is net worth. So what is the current networth of Monica Salmaso? As of 2022, the current net worth of Monica Salmaso is $1.5 Million.

Monica Salmaso Age and Birthday Info 2022

In this section we will talk about Monica Salmaso’s age and birthday related info. Monica Salmaso’s actual age is Unknown and his birthday is on None. When is Monica Salmaso’s next birthday? The next birthday of Monica Salmaso is on : yet to update.

Birthday None
Next Birthday : yet to update
Age Unknown years
Place of Birth (1971-02-27) 27 February 1971 (age51)
Country of Birth Italy

Monica Salmaso’s Height, Weight and Physical Condition

What is the physical condition of Monica Salmaso? The physical condition of Monica Salmaso is good. Want to know Monica Salmaso’s Height Weight in Feet-Inch or Meter-Centimeter? His height is None and weight is Unknown.

  • Monica Salmaso’s Height: None
  • Monica Salmaso’s Weight: Unknown

Monica Salmaso Girlfriend and Marital Status

Do you want to know whether Monica Salmaso is married or unmarried? Who is the Girlfriend of Monica Salmaso? In this section, we will talk about Monica Salmaso’s personal life, life story. As you are curious to know about Monica Salmaso. We added the information below.

Marital Status Yet to update

Monica Salmaso Educational Qualifications

Do you want to know what is the educational qualifications of Monica Salmaso? In this table, we added the education information of Monica Salmaso. As we do not have all data currently, we keep some fields blank which we will update soon.

School Yet to update
College Yet to update
University Yet to update

Visit the official Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts of Monica Salmaso. For those who do not have an account on a certain platform, we added the official website link of the platform.

FAQs about Monica Salmaso

Some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Monica Salmaso.

  1. What is the Net Worth of Monica Salmaso?

The Net Worth of Monica Salmaso is $1.5 Million.

  1. What is the Height of Monica Salmaso?

The height of Monica Salmaso is None.

  1. Where is the birthplace of Monica Salmaso?

The birthplace of Monica Salmaso is (1971-02-27) 27 February 1971 (age51)

  1. What is the Date of Birth of Monica Salmaso?

The birthday of Monica Salmaso is on None.

  1. is Monica Salmaso Married?

The marital status of Monica Salmaso is: Yet to update.


So that’s all we have about Monica Salmaso’s net worth, bio, wiki, biography, height, weight, awards, facts, sibling, awards and other information. We hope you get the information about Monica Salmaso. Share your thoughts in the comment section.


The info about Monica Salmaso‘s net worth, wiki, bio, career, height, weight, family, affairs, car, salary, age, and other details are based on Wikipedia, IMDb, Forbes, Instagram, and Facebook of Monica Salmaso. There may have wrong or outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

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